Walls — Ad Free Wallpapers a Flutter App

Naveen Jujaray
3 min readMay 24, 2020


“I’m a noob to Android Development but Flutter made Android Development simple in a way that i had completed this app with no skills in span of 14 Days, if you’re interested in Flutter then you should check what i made.”

Check Walls on Google Play

Introducing — Walls

Walls is a wallpaper service flutter application for Android Devices where the it’s beautiful photos are gifted by World’s Most Generous Community of Photographers and has a responsive UI which makes playful interact with users.

Flutter packages used in Walls

cupertino_icons, flutter_swiper, flutter_custom_clippers, intro_views_flutter, wave, font_awesome_flutter, url_launcher, url_launcher_web, dio, shared_preferences, random_string, image_picker_saver, permission, permission_handler, bottomreveal, charts_flutter, animated_floatactionbuttons, share, intl, flare_flutter, rxdart, rxdart_codemod, flutter_bloc, cached_network_image, wallpaper: package_info, flutter_staggered_grid_view, crop, http, image_gallery_saver, firebase_database, timeago, firebase_core, email_validator, cloud_firestore: firebase_auth, firebase_messaging, flutter_local_notifications, firebase_admob, quick_actions, full_screen_image, launch_review, in_app_purchase

Wallpapers service used in Walls

Walls is using an Pexels API as wallpaper service. Pexels is a free stock photo and video website and app that helps designers, bloggers, and everyone who is looking for visuals to find great photos and videos that can be downloaded and used for free. (no strings attached !!).

So Pexels made it clear it can be used by anyone so i used it as wallpaper service. There are more free stock photo websites like Pexels you should check them out.

Any thoughts of Ads ?

At first thought of implementing Ads in Walls which made me think about what i experienced about other wallpaper apps which i used before so, i thought of making Walls as an Open Source & Ad Free for the user.

It’s a disturbance to download or to choose a wallpaper in between of ads. Right ?

“Wallpaper of phone makes an personality of phone and person where ads make your personality delay in choose them.”

How to request for new features?

Users are important for an application whether it may most popular app or least popular. Here comes the feedback feature where you can post the feedback, issues, or request new features.

“As a developer, it matters all the time to update it to you.”

In which countries Walls is available ?

Walls — is published on Google Play and available in countries where Google play services serve which is almost all the countries so it can be suggested to a friend in your foreign country.


The only in app purchase on Walls is to support the developer so, don’t worry about Subscriptions / No-Ads / Pro & others.

Get on Google Play

Check Walls on : It’s All Widgets!



Naveen Jujaray
Naveen Jujaray

Written by Naveen Jujaray

"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious." naveenjujaray.js.org

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