Portfolio using Flutter

Naveen Jujaray
2 min readJul 25, 2020


“A clean, beautiful and responsive portfolio template for Developers !”

If you created something awesome and want to contribute then feel free to open Please don’t hesitate to open an pull request.

Download here — — Source Code — — Live View

Checkout my blog for more details: Here



✔️ Summary and About me

✔️ Skills

✔️ Achievements 🏆

✔️ Blogs

✔️ Contact me

Getting Started

From your command line, clone and run developerFolio:

In-order to work with this repo you need to have flutter beta installed on your system.

# Clone this repository
$ git clone

# Go into the repository
$ cd DeveloperFolio

# Get Packages
$ flutter pub get

# Build Web using Flutter
$ flutter build web

# Launch/View
$ flutter run -d chrome

Deployment 📦

When you are done with the setup, you should host your website online. We highly recommend to read through the docs for Firebase Hosting.

# Before you can install the Firebase CLI, you will need to install Node.js on your machine.
npm install -g firebase-tools

# Firebase Login
$ firebase login

# Initialize Firebase
$ firebase init

# Deploy to Firebase
$ firebase deploy

For the Future

  • Dark Mode
  • Connect with LinkedIn to get Summary, Skills, Education and Experience
  • Connect with Github to get Customized Pins, Profile Details
  • Personalization Page to edit everything in once place.

